Monday, February 22, 2010

I have started a new blog and it deals with Fraternity.

Fraternity Alive

1 comment:

  1. Please note comment I wanted to post in your new blog but could not because I have no Google account....

    If you notice youth culture fashions, you will see that, despite the extreme sexual promiscuity of song lyrics, some books, and computer games, the clothes boys now wear go to great lengths to hide and conceal, long and baggy, with shorts that go down to the ankles. It's as if there was some kind of a tacit fear for a boy to show himself off.

    I am old enough (61) to remember when I was a kid, shorter and tighter were whatwas wanted, and most boys tried to get away with exposing as much flesh as possible.

    By the same token, back then, the emphasis was on girls to dress appropriately and more or less modestly. Today the tables are turned, and boys dress like nuns and girls like mini pop tarts.

    When I have been in the mall or my local Wal Marts, I often see girls in smnall groups acting very brazenly. I seldom see boys out together any more. When I see them, I see them in ones and twos usuaslly with an adult. Again, when I was a kid, it was us boys who hung around in small groupsm in public.

    I am almost certain that there is a positive correlation betwden the rise of militant feminism and the decline of genuine fraternity both among boys and men. Where it comes in, how it comes in and how it is quantified I have my theories, but no facts.

    I would appreciate feedback from anyone else who has noticed these phenomena, and what they belive the reasons to be. I think these things are exactly the manifestatiins of the malaise our host is talking about.

    Mr. Chips
